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    shooting 結果共36筆

  • Audrey Tang responds to shooting at digital affairs ministry

    Audrey Tang, Minister of the Ministry of Digital Affairs, condemns violence and reaffirms consistent policies following a shooting incident at the ministry’s office by a dissatisfied individual. Tang’s post on the Threads platform underscores the government’s commitment to safety and policy stance amid security concerns at government offices.
    2024/03/29 13:45
  • Air gun attack reported shatters peace at MODA building

    The Ministry of Digital Affairs in Taipei was reportedly shot at, leading to a police investigation. The incident occurred following controversy over overseas inspections and spending, with MODA defending its budget allocation practices.
    2024/03/28 11:15
  • Hsinchu camp welcomes recruits under extended service plan

    The first batch of recruits in Taiwan reported to Hsinchu County’s Litoushan Camp in Xinpu Township on Thursday (Jan. 25). The 206 Brigade’s Battalion 4 received 304 new recruits from the northern region, who will undergo an eight-week training program. The military restored its previous one-year conscription in line with the "Strengthening National Defense Force Structure Adjustment Plan." The training curriculum is divided into four stages, focusing on core values, fitness, rifle shooting, combat coaching, and weapon handling. All new soldiers underwent health screening and inspections upon arrival, including drug-sniffer dogs. Additionally, the recruits had their heads shaved after receiving their uniforms.
    2024/01/25 16:41
  • Taiwan’s new conscripts begin 1-year military service

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) Army Command Headquarters announces the extension of compulsory service to one year. Newly enlisted soldiers will undergo an eight-week training in recruit centers throughout northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The training program consists of four phases, focusing on core military values, physical fitness, combat skills, rifle shooting, and combat coaching. The final assessment includes physical combat skills, rifle shooting proficiency, and comprehensive combat coaching.
    2024/01/25 15:15
  • 12年86變「獵跑」!Toyota曝未公開概念車設計圖

    一輛車款開發過程中車廠曾經做過的嘗試/衍生車型,很多時候都比最後呈現在消費者眼前的成品還要更精彩,只是往往因為市場評估考量抑或是量產難度而作罷,像是我們之前曾經報導過的Porsche Caynne敞篷版就是個經典例子;而今年適逢Toyota座落在美國加州的Calty設計中心50歲里程碑,就釋出了一系列不曾發表過的概念車照片來跟車迷同慶,其中一輛叫做X86D Concept的車款可以說是最吸睛的,因為這是Toyota當家後驅小跑車86車系中不曾推出過的獵跑(Shooting Brake)版本!
    2023/12/11 13:30
  • UNLV shooting claims lives of 3 faculty, including Taiwanese

    Tragic shooting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) resulted in the deaths of three faculty members, including Taiwanese professor Cha Jan "Jerry" Chang. Two victims identified as business school professors. Chang, an associate professor in UNLV’s Management, Entrepreneurship & Technology department, had been educating students at the university for over two decades. UNLV President Keith E. Whitfield confirmed victims as university employees, with two from the business school. The assailant, a 67-year-old former college professor, was not affiliated with UNLV. Survivor receiving treatment in hospital. Authorities have not released further details.
    2023/12/08 17:06
  • NBA/傷兵不斷!湖人八村壘鼻骨骨折開刀 至少缺陣一週

    NBA湖人隊於當地時間24日宣布,日裔球員八村壘鼻骨骨折。美媒指出,他在22日對獨行俠的比賽中負傷,必須接受手術,至少將缺陣約1週,使湖人隊的鋒線深度受到打擊。湖人開季後遭遇傷兵潮,除了八村壘外,前鋒范德比爾特(Jarred Vanderbilt)本季因左腳根滑囊炎尚未上場,後衛文森(Gabe Vincent)現在也因左膝積水缺陣。   綜合外媒報導,NBA湖人隊24日宣布,前鋒八村壘在週三敗給達拉斯的賽事中鼻骨骨折,將會缺席25日起對騎士、七六人、活塞、雷霆的4場比賽。他將於1週後再度接受醫生評估。   八村壘在本賽季表現亮眼,他出場的12場比賽中,場均上陣23.3分鐘,奪下11.8分。投籃命中率50.5%(103 投 52 中)、三分球命中率42.9%(35 投 15 中)、3.8籃板、真實命中率(True Shooting Percentage,TS%)達到61.1%,創下他的職業生涯新高。   這是八村壘在NBA的第5個賽季。美媒報導,他與湖人隊已簽訂一份3年5100萬美元(約16億元新台幣)的合約。這並不是他本球季首次成為傷兵。他於10月29日對國王的戰役中撞傷左眼後,基於腦震盪保護協議缺席4場比賽。
    2023/11/25 10:00
  • President Tsai Ing-wen reviews conscription training program

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen inspects the new military conscription training program at Taichung’s military center, Cheng Kung Lingg. The Ministry of National Defense confirms the first batch of one-year conscripts will begin service on Jan. 25. The initial training for new recruits has been extended to eight weeks, with a focus on battlefield conditions. The training includes battlefield medical aid, advancing under simulated enemy fire, and rigorous final evaluations. The program also features shooting with night vision goggles and a live grenade-throwing exercise. President Tsai observes machine gun training and notes an increase in rounds fired. After basic training, soldiers will be assigned to units based on their interests and expertise. Approximately 9,127 individuals are expected to be drafted next year. The first group of conscripts can report for duty before the Lunar New Year and spend time with their families.
    2023/11/23 17:50
  • Taiwan military sets new rules to counter Chinese drones

    The Taiwanese Army (ROCA) has established three principles in defense against increased military drones from China. The Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, stated that any violation indicates bad intentions, regardless of whether the drones crashed into water. The three principles, as reported by the media, involve troops prioritizing firearms use but considering the range for target shooting, assessing whether shot drones fell into water, and determining if ships were within a three-kilometer radius. Minister Chiu emphasized that these regulations are in place to ensure a clear understanding of how violations should be handled. Colonel Sun Li-fang, speaking on behalf of the Ministry of National Defense (MND), emphasized the urgency for the ROCA to respond swiftly upon detecting hostile behaviors from the opposing side.
    2023/10/31 15:35
  • Sky Dragon military drills show joint operational skills

    Taiwan’s annual Air Force Tien Lung military drills, also known as "Sky Dragon," have commenced and will run from October 30 to November 3. The exercise involves key fighter aircraft such as the F-16V, Mirage 2000, and IDF, collaborating with other units to evaluate joint operational effectiveness. The drills encompass various airborne force-on-force scenarios, including air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground warfare competitions. In addition, the exercise involves the participation of Air Force infantry and special forces units, engaging in activities like small arms firing, ammunition loading, and mobile defense operations. Outstanding pilots, including champions in air combat, target shooting, and bombardment, will be selected by the Air Force. This significant military exercise follows the "Chang Ching17 Exercise" conducted by the army from October 23 to 27, marking its first occurrence in six years.
    2023/10/30 16:36
  • 杭州亞運/60歲阿公神槍手奪金 秘訣竟是「遠離手機」

    杭州亞運不僅是年輕運動員追夢場地,也能同時見證資深選手對自身專業的堅持,除了有烏茲別克48歲「體操媽媽」參賽,在定向飛靶(skeet shooting)項目賽事,還有一名來自科威特、60歲的神槍手阿卜度拉(Abdullah al-Rashidi),在決賽繳出超水準表現,以完美60分力壓對手奪下金牌,也是該國本屆亞運第一面金牌。賽後被問到是如何維持專注和敏銳度,阿卜度拉透露,「唯一方法就是遠離手機與社群。」
    2023/09/28 10:51
  • Military’s new shooting training to simulate actual combat

    Taiwan’s military showcased its new actual combat shooting training on Tuesday (Feb. 21) at the Taoyuan Army base, with foreign media also in attendance.
    2023/02/22 19:54
  • President Tsai stresses value of enhancing military training

    President Tsai Ing-wen traveled to Penghu County to oversee the national army demonstrate combat shooting on Friday (Dec. 30), just 3 days after announcing the extension of Taiwan’s military service.
    2022/12/30 20:33
  • 福斯23年式Arteon調漲! R-Line車型以上超狂選配曝光

    自2021年起,Arteon與Arteon Shooting Breke即以美型設計與豪華質感頂替Volkswagen在臺灣市場旗艦斜背房車與五門獵跑角色,2022年更加入430 TSI動力,透過280匹馬力輸出讓R-Line Performance車型更具性能魅力。不過,Arteon與Arteon Shooting Breke還是難擋漲價壓力,Volkswagen Taiwan公布2023年式車型售價時,同步調漲5至6萬元不等,讓Arteon家族入門售價來到159.8萬元之譜。
    2022/11/01 14:07
  • 《上流戰爭》3壞蛋合體!嚴基俊耍大牌讓劇迷「拳頭硬」

    金永大、李聖經主演的韓劇《Shooting Stars流星》,第13集終於迎來眾所期待的客串嘉賓嚴基俊、奉太奎,延續他們與尹鐘焄在夯劇《PENTHOUSE上流戰爭》合作情誼,化身尹鐘焄在劇中第一份工作的經紀公司老闆與頂流明星,光是出場響起熟悉的《PENTHOUSE上流戰爭》配樂,奉太奎拎著眼熟的黑色臘腸狗小包包就勾起觀眾滿滿的回憶。
    2022/06/04 18:24
  • 金永大熱戀李聖經!休息室裡偷親親 突陷不倫緋聞當眾暈厥

    韓星金永大與女神李聖經在愛情喜劇《Shooting Stars流星》中大談戀愛,兩人分別飾演的明星孔泰成(金永大 飾)和經紀公關組長吳寒星(李聖經 飾),不只趁機在休息室裡偷親親,更半夜一起去看海,平時傲嬌的金永大見李聖經心情不好,還賣萌撒嬌逗對方開心,熱戀互動撒糖不停,但在兩人幸福開心之際,金永大卻被黑粉亂爆料,陷入不倫戀緋聞爭議,演藝事業碰上空前危機,還因巨大壓力在眾媒體前當場暈倒。
    2022/05/29 15:20
  • 李聖經新作揭演藝圈「6大真實內幕」 正能量女星「人設崩壞」

    李聖經、金永大主演的浪漫愛情喜劇《Shooting Stars流星》正在熱播中,該劇講述頂級偶像男星與其經紀人的甜蜜戀愛,劇情中也揭開韓國演藝圈寫實秘辛,連李聖經、金永大都坦言「有95%是真實情況」,因此每集劇情都掀起觀眾討論,以下就盤點了劇中6大演藝圈工作內幕,一窺明星光鮮亮麗的背後不為人知的一面。
    2022/05/11 12:05
  • 被助理一句點醒 金永大驚覺愛上李聖經!女方拒絕原因曝

    金永大與李聖經合演的愛情喜劇《Shooting Stars流星》,該劇講述頂級偶像男星與其經紀人的甜蜜戀愛。最新劇情中,李聖經飾演的經紀公關組長吳寒星與金永大飾演的明星孔泰成曖昧情升溫,當李聖經在休息室問他記者提問「在你的人生中最戲劇性的瞬間」,半夢半醒的金永大吐露真心話:「神奇的是,每個瞬間你都在我身邊。」更告白說:「一直在我身邊吧,不要去其他地方了。」讓李聖經瞬間心動,但為了維持專業而沒表現出來。
    2022/05/08 14:51
  • 李聖經曖昧金永大疑偷交往 李正信殺出展開「三角關係」

    韓星李聖經主演的愛情喜劇《Shooting Stars流星》,在最新劇情中,李聖經飾演的經紀公關組長吳寒星,看到金永大飾演的明星孔泰成在舞台上腳步不穩,擔心得立刻衝上台想扶他,沒想到反而是她自己被舞台絆倒,在眾目睽睽下雙膝下跪滑壘,堪稱是「人生最丟臉瞬間」,讓私下愛欺負李聖經的金永大事後笑到不行。不過,腹黑的金永大其實也有善良的一面,李聖經在舞台上下跪時,是金永大機智提醒她不要回頭,才沒讓她正臉在網路瘋傳影片曝光。
    2022/05/01 12:48
  • 暑假第一深度文化展:普立茲新聞攝影獎80週年 早鳥開賣

    2022/04/25 16:19
  • 心臟爆擊!李聖經《流星》被男神桌咚 臉湊耳邊低語太曖昧

    由金永大、李聖經主演的浪漫愛情韓劇《Shooting Stars流星》本週開播,該劇講述頂級偶像男星與其經紀人的甜蜜戀愛。飾演明星孔泰成的金永大,和飾演經紀公關組長吳寒星的李聖經,將發展出一連出逗趣又浪漫的情節,劇情充滿粉紅泡泡。
    2022/04/23 17:33
  • 揭開韓國演藝圈幕後秘辛 李聖經保證「95%是實際情況」

    愛奇藝國際站韓劇《Shooting Stars流星》描述演藝圈幕後秘辛,導演李秀賢率主要演員李聖經、金永大、尹鐘焄、李正信、金允慧和朴素珍今(20)日在首爾召開新劇記者會,也是疫情解禁後首次「脫罩」採訪。談到該劇與現實娛樂圈的相似度,李聖經給出95%相似,「我覺得很寫實,但怕大家會去推測這是在講誰,這方面編劇拿捏得很好。」
    2022/04/20 18:08
  • 【試駕】貴族血統獵跑 M-Benz CLA 200 Shooting Brake

    Shooting Brake這個起先專門為了打獵而生的車款,在只有馬車的時代是放置獵槍、獵物、乘坐獵犬的座艙,而當時能擁有這樣的車款絕對是非富即貴,因此Shooting Brake也可以說是貴族休閒的象徵。當然,現在的人幾乎不靠打獵維生,而這樣具有充沛實用機能,同時也保有俐落身段的車型,早已經不是貴族的專利,而是你我都有機會一親芳澤的產品。
    2021/08/30 18:52
  • Genesis G70旅行車預約Goodwood速度節亮相 電動概念車將同步登場

    對於汽車沒那麼熟悉的朋友可能對Genesis沒什麼印象,這個來自Hyundai集團的豪華品牌近年來積極拓展市場,尤其對於歐洲地區更加重視,今年五月份無預警公布的G70 Shooting Brake,預計將會在今年七月的Goodwood Festival of Speed賽道嘉年華上正式發表,未來也將會在歐洲率先上市。
    2021/06/24 14:05
  • G70 Shooting Brake無預警亮相 置物空間激增40%

    雖然全球都吹起休旅車風潮,但是在部分市場如歐洲國家,其實對於旅行車還是有相當程度的需求。為此,來自Hyundai集團的豪華品牌Genesis,於5/12無預警發佈了G70 Shooting Brake的原廠照片,引發車迷熱烈討論。
    2021/05/14 11:45
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